The Archdiocese of Boston mandates that all staff and volunteers who minister directly to children or elders, or who have the potential for unmonitored access to children and must be Virtus (Child Abuse Protection) trained and must have a current CORI form on file. This requirement may include, but is not limited to LIFT and Teen Alpha group leaders, chaperones, Confirmation leaders, Small Group Leaders and helpers, First Communion program leaders, Children's Liturgy of the Word ministers, musicians, altar server trainers, EM's for the homebound, etc.
You only need to complete the Virtus training once.
VIRTUS - A prevention and awareness training at the parish level for adults - called "Protecting God's Children", and administered by the Catholic Risk Retention Group under an umbrella called VIRTUS - is required for those adults, both staff and volunteers, who have custodial care of or direct contact with children in the course of their service in the parish. The VIRTUS course only needs to be taken once—at St. Elizabeth or St. Isidore or, with documentation, at another parish. The class consists of a presentation, printed materials and videotapes that will focus on the prevention of abuse and the protection of children, runs about 3 hours in length and is offered on a monthly basis throughout the year. Training in the signs and symptoms that indicate a child is being abused in some way, and how to talk with children about these issues will also be included, as will training in the responsibilities of mandated reporting and the archdiocese's policies and procedures for preventing child abuse. If you anticipate being involved with Children's Liturgy of the Word, chaperoning middle or high school youth ministry events, leading a Confirmation group, attending a mission trip, or being part of VBS, you must be trained.
Employees and all volunteers who may have contact with children continue to be required to complete Protecting God's Children training.
VIRTUS Dates - All trainings will take place at the Saint Elizabeth's Parish Center.
Fall VIRTUS Date:
Thursday, Sept. 5, 6-9 p.m.
Thursday, Sept 19, 9:30AM - 12:30 PM
Monday, Sept 30, 9AM - 12PM
To register for a VIRTUS Training go to:
Click on "first time registrant" and follow the prompts. (Select "Boston, MA - Archdiocese and your home church when appropriate.)
Once you've created a VIRTUS account, go to "home" and click on "register for training" and find one of the trainings listed above. Please email Tom if you are having trouble registering for a training session.
CORI Background Checks: Background screening is a tool the Church uses to enhance the safety of our children, youth, elderly and the disabled. Carrying out background checks on those who minister to our most vulnerable populations enables us to live up to our commitment and responsibility to provide a safe environment for those whom we serve. CORI forms are available in the collaborative offices and after Masses. You may also complete a CORI with the staff leader of your ministry. Important note: When completing your CORI form, please make sure to bring a license, state ID card or passport for in person ID verification.
Cori Form 2023-2024 (You can dowload the Cori form and fill out the information but you need to turn it into a staff member to sign off on it in person. We need to verify the information from your driver's license or other acceptable identification before it can be signed off on and turned into the Archdioces of Boston for processing.)
VIRTUS provides age-appropriate materials called "Empowering God's Children" to educate children and their parents on safety and awareness. We know that many of your children have already participated in similar programs through school, scouts, etc. and therefore do not mandate participation in our program. However, an additional part of our safe environment commitment is to make sure we make those resources available to all in our community who would like to make use of them.
Parents and/or caregivers can use the materials linked below to take their children through the comprehensive safety awareness program provided by VIRTUS.
Empowering God's Children Program Resources
Child Abuse Intervention Team: As part of its commitment to the care and safety of our young, St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish and St. Isidore Parish have collaborated to form one Child Abuse Prevention Team. The CAP team offers VIRTUS training sessions at both churches and also helps to respond to questions about child safety or our responsibilities in that regard.
CAP Team leader: Christine Don Staff Liason: Thomas Spataro
Members: Judith Andrade, Esq., James Tabner, Esq., Linda Blanco, LSW, Rosemary Corley, M.Ed, Christine Don, and Barbara Dane, M.Ed.